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The ISGA Curriculum is designed to teach students not only the basics of the golf swing but as importantly to engage them in the game by exposing them to its history, its personalities and great players, as well as it rules and etiquette.  It is the ultimate launching pad to a life long journey with the game of golf. The delivery of the curriculum requires no previous golf experience as the video lessons are done by some the top teachers in the nation!  There is simply nothing like it.

To gain access to our curriculum, you and your school must be ISGA members.  Click here to view a sample video lesson.  The initial curriculum consists of 15 lesson videos that cover all aspects of the golf swing and putting.  The teaching videos are delivered by some of the top instructors in the United States.

Our unique delivery system and technology make the classes fast, fun and exhilarating for students and teachers alike.  By creating a multi-station approach, the class moves smoothly and is easily managed by physical education professionals.

Here’s how it works in Physical Education Classes

At the beginning of each class period all students watch the subject video lesson for the day, which includes both hitting and putting.  This video is typically 3-7 minutes in length

The entire class is then divided into 3 equal sized groups. By placing one group at each of three remaining stations, each student will rotate through all of the daily lesson plan activities.

The curriculum and mechanics of the class are customized by the ISGA for each individual school, based on the number of students and the time allotted for class.

Curriculum graphic